Photo by: Purwo Kuncoro

Write for Us!

If you follow us on social media or frequent our blog, you have probably noticed that we now regularly feature content from our grantees. This endeavor we began a few years ago has been quite successful as it gives our audience a chance to hear about all the exciting work we are funding. This also provides our grantees the opportunity to promote and share their projects, and it gives our younger grantees the chance to practice writing about their work for a general audience.

As we head toward our 50th anniversary (2018!), we remain committed to sharing grantee related content utilizing the modern (and powerful) tools of dissemination the internet provides, and we plan on building on this undertaking. In fact, we recently launched a new monthly series on our blog called “Primate Tales.” These grantee produced pieces feature stories from the field (both written and/or visual) about the primates these scientists study. Some will be vignettes about the life of one primate, and others will be stories about certain groups or families of primates. We can’t wait to share these fascinating and creative posts!

This said, we need content! If you are a Leakey Foundation grantee and would like to contribute content in the form of Grantee Spotlights, From the Field or Primate Tales, please contact H. Gregory. Even if you have not participated in content creation for our blog, we certainly would love to hear from you, and if you have participated before, we’d love to hear from you again! We also welcome content from your students as well. There are few rules on how this content could take shape, so please feel free to get creative with stories, pictures, videos, etc. These pieces are sure to give our audience great satisfaction in hearing about your work, and it is certainly a persuasive development tool for the foundation. We are, after-all, in the midst of a million dollar matching challenge, and we could use all the help we can get in meeting our goal! 

So write away! Make contact and help The Leakey Foundation accomplish its mission of funding research related to human origins and sharing this information with the public!


H. Gregory
(The person who will put your content online!)

For a detailed explanation of our reporting requirements, which includes content, please click here.

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