Now hiring a part-time Grants Associate
The Leakey Foundation is looking to add a part-time Grants Associate to our team. The Grants Associate helps facilitate our grant application and award process, providing support for the Grants Officer and working closely with The Leakey Foundation's Scientific Executive Committee.
The Leakey Foundation earns a four-star rating from Charity Navigator
The Leakey Foundation is proud to announce that our strong financial health and ongoing accountability and transparency have earned a Four-Star Rating from Charity Navigator.
Gordon Getty’s 50 years of visionary leadership
Gordon Getty joined The Leakey Foundation in 1973 and has led the board of trustees since 1980. His leadership has made the foundation the thriving nonprofit it is today.
Baldwin Fellowships and the Future of Science
Building the next generation of young scientists requires a combination of promising individuals, dedicated mentors, scientific opportunities, and strong support. For 45 years, the Baldwin Fellowships funded by The Leakey Foundation have provided that crucial element of support.
Announcing the Joan Cogswell Donner Field School Scholarship recipients
The Joan Cogswell Donner Field School Scholarship provides grants to help students access the hands-on field science training they need to start their careers. This year, we are pleased to award scholarships to six students attending Human Origins Migration and Evolution Research (HOMER) project field schools in South Africa and Malawi.