Education | Lecture | Lunch Break Science | Speaker Series | Travel

Join The Leakey Foundation for these upcoming programs:
Lunch Break Science #29 | Christopher Schmitt
June 17 at 11 am PT | 12 pm MT | 1 pm CT | 2 pm ET

Speaker Series on Human Origins: Engaging With Public Audiences on Human Evolution
June 22 at 5 pm PT · 6 pm MT · 7 pm CT · 8 pm ET
Register today to watch live! Can’t watch live? Registration also includes a link to view the recording of this event.

Explore fascinating archaeological and primate research sites with Leakey Foundation scientists as your guides while supporting a good cause! This first of three events in the “Summer Travel Series” takes you to Argentina for a behind-the-scenes virtual tour of the Owl Monkey Project with Dr. Eduardo Fernandez-Duque and Dr. Claudia Vellegia and features a musical performance by Guillermo García.