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Woman the hunter: Women, endurance, and evolution

Lunch Break Science

Woman the Hunter ft. Dr. Cara Ocobock

Woman the Hunter – Lunch Break Science featuring Dr. Cara Ocobock
September 21, 2023 – 11 am Pacific

Join Dr. Cara Ocobock on Lunch Break Science to learn how her research challenges traditional human evolution narratives and expands our understanding of women’s physical capabilities and endurance.

Dr. Ocobock is the Director of the Human Energetics Laboratory at Notre Dame. Her research integrates human biology and anthropology, with a focus on the interaction between anatomy, physiology, evolution, and the environment. She explores the physiological and behavioral mechanisms necessary to cope with and adapt to extreme climate and physical activity. Ocobock works in northern Finland, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Lapland and University of Oulu. 

She is also an award-winning science communicator and an avid powerlifter who loves to bring anthropology to sport. She has worked with hockey players at the collegiate and semi-professional level as well as collegiate track and field athletes.

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