Photo by: Purwo Kuncoro



Lunch Break Science Celebrates 50th Episode

Lunch Break Science
The 50th episode of Lunch Break Science will stream on December 15, 2022, at 11 am Pacific / 2 pm Eastern and it will feature past guests of the show answering audience questions and addressing common misconceptions about human evolution. Viewers of the livestream will have the opportunity to win prizes.

Study revises ages of famous fossil sites

Journal Article
A new study contradicts recent estimates claiming important paleontological sites in South Africa are almost a million years older. Researchers used teeth from an extinct monkey species as a clue to date the ages of hominin fossils throughout South Africa.

Double your Giving Tuesday impact

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The Leakey Foundation is participating in Giving Tuesday, a global day that celebrates giving and reimagines a world built on shared humanity and generosity. This Giving Tuesday, the impact of your generosity will be doubled!