Monthly Archives: August 2015


Origin and Early Evolutionary History of Primates

Research Report
Stephen Chester screening for Paleocene plesiadapiforms and other mammal fossils in Montana. Photo credit:  Eric Sargis As a PhD candidate at Yale University, Stephen Chester was awarded a Leakey Foundation research grant in the spring of 2010 for his project entitled “Origin and early evolutionary history of primates.” Stephen Chester studies the fossils of plesiadapiforms. Plesiadapiforms … more »

Grantee Spotlight: Ashley Hammond

Grantee Spotlight
Ashley Hammond of the George Washington University was awarded a Leakey Foundation research grant during our spring 2015 cycle for her project entitled “Reconstructing phenotypic change of the pelvis in apes and humans.” Ashley Hammond I study how the skeletal anatomy of primates relates to locomotion. The hipbone differs dramatically among living primates adapted for different locomotion, and… more »