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Science Speakeasy: Fake or Fact?

Science Speakeasy

The Leakey Foundation is teaming up with the Bay Area Science Festival to explore how to separate what’s fake and what’s fact when it comes to science. 

Join New York University biological anthropologist Dr. Todd Disotell and Science Friday’s Undiscovered podcast co-host and producer Elah Federon on November 1st at Science Speakeasy: Fake or Fact?,

Dr. Todd Disotell

Dr. Todd Disotell will discuss how he uses DNA evidence to test hypotheses on everything from the intricacies of our evolution to the existence of “Bigfoot.” His research at New York University’s Molecular Anthropology Lab is at the cutting edge of identifying new species of primates and clarifying our evolutionary tree. Disotell’s current work focuses on primate genomics, human population history, and the molecular evolution of diseases, but as a side project he helps people with cryptozoological investigations.

Elah Feder

Elah Feder will share a story about a science headline gone awry and her quest to find the truth. Feder co-hosted and produced the podcast  I Like You, produced segments for CBC Radio shows like Spark, The Current, and The Sunday Edition, and contributed to publications like The Guardian, The LA Times, and Xtra, Canada’s LGBT newspaper. Now as part of Science Friday’s Undiscovered podcast team she investigates the stories behind scientific discoveries, from harebrained ideas to lucky breaks.

Join The Leakey Foundation and the Bay Area Science Festival for an evening separating the fantastical from the factual at Science Speakeasy: Fake or Fact? at Public Works in San Francisco. Enjoy drinks, food, and conversation starting at 6 pm. The talks start at 7 pm. Get your tickets now!


Ages 21+, ID required for entry.

This event is presented by The Leakey Foundation and the Bay Area Science Festival with generous support from Ann and Gordon Getty and Camilla and George Smith.

To learn more about Dr. Todd Disotell’s research check out these resources: 

In a Tooth, DNA From Some Very Old Cousins, the Denisovans” by Carl Zimmer for The New York Times

‘Bigfoot’ samples analyzed in lab” by Sarah C. P. Williams for Science

To listen to Elah Feder on Science Friday’s Undiscovered podcast click the player below:!e52e67111eeaedae819caee58a6644c9f16b0807

Click here for more episodes of Undiscovered.

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