Education | Lecture

Join us on Friday, April 10, 2020, at 5 pm CST/GMT-5 (2 pm Pacific) to hear Natalia Camargo discuss her experience studying chimpanzees in Kibale National Park for the past year. Funded by The Leakey Foundation, Natalia spent the year working with Leakey Foundation grantee Stephanie Fox to assist Stephanie with her dissertation research.
While the project focused on the social lives of adult female chimpanzees, Natalia’s job was to follow chimpanzee infants, as the team sought to document a complete picture of how mothers’ social lives impact and are impacted by the social lives of their infants.
A native Colombian and first-generation college student, now in the face of a pandemic, Natalia continues to pursue primatology against all odds.
Natalia’s talk will be delivered in Spanish to the rising generation of primatologists emerging from South America in 2020. She hopes this talk will inspire young people to become more involved in primatology and anthropology.
This talk will be the first in a series of “Primatology at Home” talks sponsored by the Asociación Primatólogica Colombiana. Check the Asociación Primatólogica Colombiana Facebook page for the link to tune in virtually.