Monthly Archives: October 2013


The Evolution of the Mean Girl

Being Human
Did female competition lead to covert aggression? It turns out that women may have evolved to do just that, according to a new article by Tracy Vaillancour.

The Contentious “Skull 5”

In the News
Skull 5, in-situ. Dmanisi, Republic of Georgia. Dr. David Lordkipanidze’s newest evidence to come from Dmanisi has set the stage for a lively debate between thelumpers and splitters. For the past two decades, Lordkipanidze­—a five-time Leakey Foundation grantee (1998-2003)­­—and his colleagues have excavated at Dmanisi, a long-term study site in the Caucasus in the Republic of Georgia,more »

Thinking about Thinking

Being Human
As far as we know, human beings are the only animal capable of introspection—the ability to examine our own mental processes.