Read about the latest human origins discoveries, Leakey Foundation-supported research, and news from the field.
Welcome: John Mitani and Terry Harrison have joined the SEC
The Leakey Foundation
We are pleased to announce the addition of two esteemed scientists as the newest members of our Scientific Executive Committee (SEC): Terry Harrison and John Mitani. We’d like to welcome … Continued
Welcome Baby “Pistache”
The Leakey Foundation
During The Leakey Foundation 2011 Annual Auction and Dinner, Foundation Trustee Mrs. Carolyn Farris bid on and won the “naming rights” for the next chimpanzee born at the Fongoli site … Continued
Notes from the Field with Jill Pruetz
In the News
Chimps on the savanna in Senegal. July 2011 at Fongoli: Predators and Prey by Jill Pruetz, Leakey Grantee Some exciting events have occurred this month, including quite a bit of … Continued
Toshisada Nishida: In Memoriam
The Leakey Foundation
Nishida with chimp Toshibo Along with scores of others in the primatology field, The Leakey Foundation mourns the passing of Dr. Toshisada Nishida. Dr. Nishida was a pioneer in the … Continued
Leakey Grantee Publication Alert: Sarah Mathew
Grantee Spotlight
Leakey Foundation Grantee Sarah Mathew was published in today’s PNAS Early Edition. She was awarded a research grant by The Leakey Foundation in 2009. Her dissertation research examines how the … Continued
More Q&A with Sosthene Habumuremyi
In the News
This is the fourth in a series of posts about Sosthene Habumuremyi’s dissertation research on the hormonal correlations of socio-sexual behaviors in female mountain gorillas. Sosthene’s research project combines behavioral … Continued
Studying Hormonal Stimuli in Mountain Gorillas Yields Many Clues
Behind the Science | Education | From the Field | Grantee Spotlight | Guest Post
By Sosthene Habumuremyi My study has gathered data on mating behavior, solicitations, and any displays/aggression from adult males towards the females. Sexual swellings, which are extremely small in gorillas, are … Continued
The hormonal correlations of socio-sexual behaviors in female mountain gorillas
By Sosthene Habumuremyi The overall goal of this study is to investigate the hormonal correlates of socio-sexual behaviors in female mountain gorillas. Specifically, we want to understand the variation observed … Continued
New Video: Anne Pusey @ CalAcademy
The Leakey Foundation | Video
On October 15, 2010, The Leakey Foundation and California Academy of Sciences partnered to bring you Dr. Anne Pusey, in celebration of 50 years of continuous study and Gombe Stream … Continued
Wonderfest 2010: How Did Evolution Shape Human Behavior?
In November, Stanford University and UC Berkeley were home to the 12th Annual Bay Area Festival of Science, aptly named Wonderfest. Two Leakey Foundation Grantees, Henry Gilbert, Assistant Professor of … Continued