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Wonderfest 2010: How Did Evolution Shape Human Behavior?


In November, Stanford University and UC Berkeley were home to the 12th Annual Bay Area Festival of Science, aptly named Wonderfest. Two Leakey Foundation Grantees, Henry Gilbert, Assistant Professor of Anthropology at CSU East Bay and David DeGusta, former Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Stanford, were featured speakers. They jointly discussed how evolution has shaped our behavior today.

You can view the full program, separated into its individual chapters, at

Through public discourse about provocative scientific questions, Wonderfest aspires to stimulate curiosity, promote careful reasoning, challenge unexamined beliefs, and encourage life-long learning. Wonderfest achieves these ends by presenting series of scientific events to the general public. At most of these events, pairs of articulate and accomplished researchers discuss and debate compelling questions at the edge of scientific understanding. For more information, visit Wonderfest.


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