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Validation of an Acoustic Location System to Monitor Bornean Orangutan Long Calls

Journal Article

Flanged male orangutan. Photo: Mure Wipfli

Brigitte Spillmann, PhD candidate at the University of Zurich, was awarded a Leakey Foundation Research Grant in the spring of 2010 for her project entitled “The function(s) of a long-distance signal:  The orangutan long call.” We recently featured a summary of her work along with her research report on our blog. Click here to read the post. 

We are now pleased to learn that she has published her first paper as a result of this research in the American Journal of Primatology. Here’s what she says:

Dear all,
I would like to send you the first published paper of my PhD project “The function(s) of a long-distance signal:  The orangutan long call” that was granted by Leakey Foundation. I am still working on more manuscripts, and compared to the more methodological publication attached in this email, the following manuscripts will cover behavioral aspects. It took a bit of time to figure out all methodological aspects of extracting the data from the microphone grid, but since those are settled, the more exciting part started. I will keep you updated with following publications of this project.
I would like to thank Leakey Foundation for your financial support and confidence in my project. Your support really helped me to conduct this quite technical project.
Best wishes,
To read this article, please click here.

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