Introducing Our Fall 2018 Grantees
The Leakey Foundation is proud to announce the 32 recipients of our fall 2018 research grants.
The Great Migration
We are happy to report The Leakey Foundation's grants department has now migrated to the cloud version of our granting software, Grantmaking. Read on to learn more about some of the changes you may experience moving forward.
Grantee Spotlight: Steffen Mischke
Steffen Mischke of the University of Iceland, Reykjavík, was awarded a Leakey Foundation Research Grant during our fall 2017 cycle for his project entitled "Environment of early hominins outside of Africa: The Nihewan Basin."
Grantee Spotlight: Kevin Hatala
Kevin Hatala is an Assistant Professor of Biology at Chatham University. He was awarded a Leakey Foundation research grant in our fall 2017 cycle for his project entitled “Paleoecological investigation of 1.5 Ma footprint sites near Nariokotome, Kenya.”
Grantee Spotlight: Stephanie Musgrave
Stephanie Musgrave, Department of Anthropology, Washington University in Saint Louis, was awarded a Leakey Foundation Research Grant during our spring 2016 cycle for her project entitled "Ontogeny of complex tool use among Goualougo Triangle chimpanzees."