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Introducing Our Fall 2018 Grantees

Grants | The Leakey Foundation

The Leakey Foundation held our fall 2018 granting session on December 1, 2018. Our Board of Trustees unanimously approved 32 research grant proposals for funding.

Here are some numbers from our fall 2018 granting cycle:

There were 114 applications for research grants.

39% were behavioral applications. 61% were paleoanthropology applications.

444 reviews were submitted to our grants department this cycle. Thank you to our reviewers! We could not do it without you.

Congratulations to all of our new grantees, and we look forward to sharing news and information about them and their research!

Leakey Foundation grantee Melanie Rose Fenton observing olive baboons in the field.

Andrew B Bernard, University of Michigan:  Effects of climate change on primates, their habitat, and food

Melanie Rose Fenton, Rutgers, State University of New Jersey:  Coercive and affiliative mating tactics in olive baboons

Stephanie Fox, University of New Mexico:  Social tolerance and the function of differentiated relationships among wild female chimpanzees

James Higham, New York University:  Is cone ratio variation in free-ranging rhesus macaques functional and heritable?

Mareike Janiak, University of Calgary:  Understanding adaptive radiation through evolution of digestive enzymes

Samango or Sykes’ monkey. Photo by Chris Hodges CC BY-SA 3.0.

Laura LaBarge, State University of New York at Buffalo:  The ecology of fear in wild samango monkeys

Rachel Petersen, New York University:  Sperm preference, ejaculate allocation, and socio-sexual signaling in olive baboons

Amy Scott, Boston University:  Sexual conflict and sexual selection in Bornean orangutan reproductive strategies

Sharmi Sen, University of Michigan:  Examining the causes and consequences of variation in male reproductive strategies in wild geladas

Kara Walker, Duke University:  Female dispersal and philopatry in chimpanzees of Gombe National Park

Leakey Foundation grantee Gabrielle Russo with teammates at Napudet in Kenya.

Christopher Brochu, University of Iowa:  Revision of crocodylians from hominid-bearing sites in East Africa

Nicolas Brucato, Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier:  Adaptive introgression from Denisova at high-altitude in New Guinea

Miranda Nicole Cosman, University of Michigan:  Skeletal ontogenetic responses to positional behavior in Hominoids

Lucile Crété, Bournemouth University:  Multiproxy study of ancient antelopes’ diet to investigate past vegetation changes in the Omo-Turkana basin (3.5-1.6 Myr)

Sabrina Curran, Ohio University:  Taphonomy and chronology of Pleistocene fossil sites in central Romania

Yolanda Fernandez-Jalvo, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales:  Taphonomic study of the onset and evolution of the use of fire at Wonderwerk Cave (South Africa)

Dagmawit Abebe Getahun, City University of New York:  Reconstructing the evolutionary history of Theropithecus using skulls and genes

Clifford William Heil, University of Rhode Island:  Constraining hominin record through high-resolution paleomagnetic stratigraphy at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania

John (Jay) Kelley, Arizona State University:  Dental developmental chronologies of fossil catarrhine primates from East Africa

Richard Klein, Stanford University:  Dating human skulls from South African fossil hyena dens

Susan Lagle, University of California at Davis:  Investigating seasonality in Quina contexts in southwestern France

Fredrick Kyalo Manthi, National Museums of Kenya:  Investigations of Middle Pleistocene sites in Natodomeri, northwestern Kenya

Daniela Matos, Institute for Archaeological Sciences (INA):  Paleolandscape of the Pleistocene and Holocene of Leba (Southwest Angola)

Leakey Foundation grantee Emma Mbua at the Kantis Fossil Site (KFS), a 3.5 million-year-old paleontological site on the outskirts of Nairobi city in Kenya.

Emma Nguvi Mbua, National Museums of Kenya: Extending excavations at A. afarensis site at Kantis Fossil Site, Kenya

Faye McGechie, University of Missouri:  Functional myology of the primate neck: Implications for hominin evolution

Marie-Helene Moncel, National Museum of Natural History:  700-600 ka:  A threshold in human evolution in Europe? Notarchirico (Southern Italy) and the question of the earliest Acheulean techno-complexes

April Nowell, University of Victoria:  Protein Residue Analysis and Middle Pleistocene Dietary Adaptations (Azraq, Jordan)

Shanti PappuSharma Centre for Heritage Education:  Acheulian evolution and transitions to the Middle Palaeolithic in India

Tomos Proffitt, University College London:  The capuchin Stone Age and the emergence of human technology

Gabrielle Russo, Stony Brook University:  Excavation of a partial ape skeleton and continued paleontological exploration at Napudet, Turkana Basin, Kenya

Sileshi SemawCentro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana:  Continued Investigation of Middle Stone Age (MSA) archaeological sites and associated hominin cranium at Gona, Afar, Ethiopia

Rhiannon Stevens, University College London:  Hunting for human and Neanderthal fossils at Kent’s Cavern, England

I [name], of [city, state ZIP], bequeath the sum of $[ ] or [ ] percent of my estate to L.S.B. Leakey Foundation for Research Related to Man’s Origins, Behavior & Survival, (dba The Leakey Foundation), a nonprofit organization with a business address of 1003B O’Reilly Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94129 and a tax identification number 95-2536475 for its unrestricted use and purpose.

If you have questions, please contact Sharal Camisa Smith sharal at 

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