Follow the Leader?
Every animal that lives in groups has to make decisions as a group. Even a seemingly simple decision like "where should we go for dinner?" can be complicated to negotiate.
Grantee Spotlight: Emma Mbua
Emma Mbua is a Kenyan paleoanthropologist who has been working at Kantis Fossil Site (KFS), a paleontological site on the outskirts of Nairobi in Kenya which has been dated to 3.5 million years old.
Grantee Spotlight: Nicole Thompson
Nicole Thompson
Nicole Thompson is a PhD candidate at Columbia University. She was awarded a Leakey Foundation Research Grant during our spring 2016 cycle for her project entitled “The benefits of social connections during development in blue monkeys in Kakamega, Kenya.”
We (primates) have strongly differentiated social relationships — not all social partners are created equal, and whom we associate
Grantee Spotlight: Amanda Lea
We are pleased to introduce you to another one of our newest grantees, Amanda Lea, PhD candidate from Duke University. She was awarded a Leakey Foundation research grant in the Fall of 2014 for her project entitled “Effects of social conditions on DNA methylation and immune function.”
Leakey Foundation grantee Amanda Lea at Amboseli.
Many primates, including humans, live in
Male-male competition and reproduction in wild blue monkeys
Su-Jen Roberts, PhD candidate from Columbia University, was awarded a research grant in spring of 2012 for her project to assess what variables drive variance in reproductive success in wild blue monkeys.