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Tag: guest post

A Giant Advantage: Baseball in Our Bones

Guest blogger Rebecca O’Neill shares her impressions of our July 12th installment of Science Speakeasy, A Giant Advantage:  Baseball in Our Bones.

Beyond the Cave Wall

Sharon Metzler Dow is a Leakey Foundation Fellow. She traveled to France with The Leakey Foundation and wrote this poem inspired by her experiences on the trip.

Being Human: Your Brain on Art

The Mona Lisa’s smile has intrigued countless viewers, from art historians to the average tourist walking past it in the Louvre. What is the secret behind this enigma?

I [name], of [city, state ZIP], bequeath the sum of $[ ] or [ ] percent of my estate to L.S.B. Leakey Foundation for Research Related to Man’s Origins, Behavior & Survival, (dba The Leakey Foundation), a nonprofit organization with a business address of 1003B O’Reilly Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94129 and a tax identification number 95-2536475 for its unrestricted use and purpose.

If you have questions, please contact Sharal Camisa Smith sharal at 

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