Grants | The Leakey Foundation
The 88th Annual Meeting of American Association of Physical Anthropologists will be held March 27-30, 2019, in Cleveland, Ohio. Several Leakey Foundation staff members will be attending the meeting.
Here are a few of the things we have planned:
Booth 22
The Leakey Foundation will be at booth 22 in the Exhibitor’s Hall (Convention Center Ballroom BC). Come by, say hello, get to know the foundation staff and take a sticker or two! We will have information about our current (and new) grant programs, and even some special gifts for those of you who currently review for us.

Portrait Studio at Booth 22
Did you receive an early-career grant from The Leakey Foundation? Your advisor (and their advisor) probably did too. We want you to take part in a mentor/protege photo series that documents multiple generations of scientists in our field.
Bring your advisor to our booth for a free professional portrait. We recommend you coordinate in advance so you don’t miss this special opportunity!
Thursday, March 28: 9am – 12pm and 1pm – 6pm
Friday, March 29: 1pm – 6pm
Grants Department Office Hours at Booth 22
Last year we tried something new. Paddy Moore and H. Gregory from our grant department held “office hours” at our booth to answer your questions about our grant programs, how to apply, etc. This was such a success that we will return again with office hours on:
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday: 10am-11am
Thursday and Friday: 5pm-6pm.
These times overlap with the scheduled catering and coffee breaks (our booth will be right next to the goodies), so grab a snack and come by to talk to us. If those times don’t work, we will be at the booth often. Check the sign at our booth for additional “office hours.” And if you see Paddy or H. out and about, please feel free to say hi!
Career Development Panel: How to Write a Grant Proposal
Friday 12:15-2:15
CC Room 20
The Leakey Foundation along with Wenner-Gren, the National Science Foundation and National Geographic is hosting a panel on how to write successful grant proposals for our programs. Learn about our organizations, our programs, and what we are looking for in a proposal. If you are new to the search for funding, this is the place to go!
We hope to see you at these events and throughout the conference!