Grants | The Leakey Foundation
The Leakey Foundation held our spring 2018 granting session on May 5, 2018. Our Board of Trustees unanimously approved 30 research grant proposals for funding.
Here are some numbers from our spring 2018 granting cycle:
There were 107 applications for research grants this cycle.
40% of the proposals were categorized as behavioral, and 60% were paleoanthropology.
434 reviews were submitted to our grants department this cycle. Thank you to our reviewers! We could not do it without you.
We would like to congratulate all of our new grantees, and we look forward to sharing news and information about them and their research along the way!

Andrea Baden, Hunter College – CUNY: What drives microbiome development and maintenance in a fission-fusion primate?
Elisa Bandini, University of Tübingen: Testing for stone flake use in Brazilian wild bearded capuchins
Grace Davis, University of California, Davis: Leading according to need in a spider monkey fission-fusion society
Sofya Dolotovskaya, The German Primate Center: Does pair-living translate into genetic monogamy in a Neotropical primate?
Benjamin Finkel, University Of Michigan: Aging apes: Foraging strategies of old chimpanzees at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda
(Ann) Catherine Markham, Stony Brook University: Hormonal and behavioral signatures of competition within primate social groups
Susan Perry, University of California, Los Angeles: Capuchin behavioral variability and learning strategies across the lifespan
Sarah Phillips-Garcia, University of New Mexico: Trade-offs between reproduction and Immune function in female primates
India Schneider-Crease, University of Washington: Social drivers of health: Early life adversity and immunity in primates
Tauras Vilgalys, Duke University: Natural selection on gene regulation following admixture in wild baboons
Katherine Wander, Binghamton University (SUNY): Trade-offs in milk immunity
Erin Weigel, University at Buffalo: Use of play signals in captive immature western lowland gorillas
Anja Widdig, Leipzig University: Chemical cues for advertising female fertility in primates
Matthew Zipple, Duke University: Maternal early adversity, maternal care, and offspring survival

Rachel Bynoe, University of Southampton: Exploring a submerged Pleistocene site off Happisburgh, UK
Siobhán Cooke, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine: The evolution of niche differentiation among platyrrhine primates
Dorien de Vries, Stony Brook University: Dental topographic evolution in primate and rodent radiations
Israel Hershkovitz, Tel Aviv University: New Middle Paleolithic human remains from the southern Levant: the Tinshemet Cave
Jamie Hodgkins, University of Colorado, Denver: Chronology and ecological conditions of Neandertal disappearance in Liguria, Italy
John Hoffecker, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado: Modern human dispersal on the East European Plain
Ariel Malinsky-Buller, Romano-Germanic Museum: Middle Paleolithic seasonal land use adaptations in the Southern Caucasus: Excavations at Kalavan 2 (Armenia)
Lauren Michel, Tennessee Tech University: Paleoenvironmental reconstructions of the early Miocene Kiahera Formation, Rusinga Island
Agazi Negash, Addis Ababa University: Obsidian geochemical perspective of the emergence of modern human behavior
Liv Nilsson Stutz, Linnaeus University: The Early Upper Paleolithic macrobotanical assemblage from Mughr el-Hamamah, Jordan
Abigail Nishimura, Stony Brook University: Functional morphology and macroevolution of the mammalian cervical vertebral column
Travis Pickering, University of Wisconsin-Madison: Continued investigations of Oldowan hominin behavior at Swartkrans, South Africa
Kathryn Ranhorn, Harvard University: High-resolution Late Pleistocene-Holocene excavations at Kisese II Rockshelter, Kondoa (Tanzania)
Hesham Sallam, Mansoura University: Exploration for Oligocene catarrhines and other primates around Siwa Oasis, Egypt
Mathew Stewart, University of New South Wales: Palaeontological and archaeological investigations of the Pleistocene fossil deposits of Saudi Arabia
Nicolas Zwyns, University of California, Davis: Late Neandertal adaptation In North-West Europe:The cave of Trou Al’Wesse (Belgium)