Have you ever considered how profoundly food has shaped who we are as a species? Julie Lesnik is a paleoanthropologist who studies the evolution of the human diet. Her special focus is on insects as food in the past, present, and future.
Additional Information
Read more about Julie Lesnik’s work and check out her book Edible Insects and Human Evolution.
Follow her on Twitter: @JulieLesnik
Want to try some edible insects?
Here are a few places we recommend:
Looking for recipes?
Julie Lesnik’s “Insect Bake-Off” recipes Chef-created recipes from the New York Times Recipes from “The Bug Chef”
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The Leakey Foundation
Origin Stories is a project of The Leakey Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to funding human origins research and outreach. Support this show and the science we talk about with a tax-deductible donation.
Visit leakeyfoundation.org/donate to donate today! Every donation will be matched.
Host and Producer: Meredith Johnson
Editor: Audrey Quinn
Theme Music: Henry Nagle
Additional Music:
Lee Rosevere “Tech Toys” and music from Blue Dot Sessions.
This season of Origin Stories is made possible by support from Diana McSherry, Jeanne Newman, Camilla Smith, and donors like you!
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