Support Us | The Leakey Foundation
Now is the perfect time to make a gift to The Leakey Foundation in support of science. Two generous donors have offered the foundation a matching challenge! Every donation made to The Leakey Foundation will be matched 1:1 up to one million dollars.
Are you finishing up your holiday wish lists? We hope that you will keep The Leakey Foundation in mind.
Some of us prefer donations be made to our favorite charities instead of receiving gift-wrapped items. The Leakey Foundation genuinely appreciates your commitment to our mission, and we hope you will consider the Foundation when writing your personal holiday wish lists. It’s easy… Donors can use our website and provide your name during the online payment process. They may also send us check. (You’ll be notified of all donations made in your honor!)
Or you may want to make a gift in someone’s honor. As the only US organization wholly dedicated to supporting human origins research and outreach, your gift couldn’t be any more unique. If you make a gift in someone’s honor, we will provide you with a certificate identifying you as the donor, and they will receive a subscription to AnthroQuest! (See options below for tailoring the certificate.)
Why is this donation important to you or the person you wish to honor? You can tailor your gift donations to reflect different areas of interest:
Science Supporter The Leakey Foundation funds research that provides a deeper, collective understanding of what it means to be human. We give young scientists the funding they need to start their careers and provide support to senior scientists who are asking innovative questions that many other funding institutions find too “risky.” We are the venture capitalist of human evolution studies. We understand that the greatest benefits sometimes come from taking the greatest risk.
Education Enthusiast Evolution is not a “belief.” It is a fundamental truth based on rigorous scientific evidence. Even in light of the tremendous advances made in molecular biology and genetics, along with a growing amount of fossil evidence, evolutionary education for youth and adults is confronted with challenges that stem from both funding and philosophical differences. The Leakey Foundation’s dual mission is powerful in its scope: we fund scientific research and then share these discoveries with the world through educational outreach initiatives, including a podcast, lecture series and blog.
Animal Lover/ Conservationist The Leakey Foundation has undeniable success with our financial support of research on wild primates. Absent this pioneering research, the habitat may not have survived, and the flora and fauna would be lost forever. In addition, scientists in the field engage individuals in their local communities (mostly in developing countries), where many of these primate sites are located, and offer employment and educational opportunities that create a greater interest in saving the animals and their natural habitat.
Politically Minded Science funding in the US is under attack due to philosophical and financial reasons. As the National Science Foundation receives cuts to their budgets, the need for financial support for scientists will be even greater. As an independent source of funding, The Leakey Foundation can help by providing crucial funds in times of need.
The Leakey Foundation wishes you the happiest of holiday seasons. We greatly appreciate your kind gifts to our foundation in support of science research, outreach and education. We could not do it without generous donors like you!