John Hoffecker
Institution: Illinois State Museum Society
Project Title: New research at the early Upper Paleolithic site Mira, Ukraine
Fund: Research Grants
Date approved: 4/27/12
John Fleagle
Institution: The Research Foundation for SUNY
Project Title: Human evolution in the Kibish formation, southern Ethiopia
Fund: Research Grants
Date approved: 4/27/12
Joseph Ferraro
Institution: Baylor University
Project Title: Paleoanthropological research at Marsabit Road, Chalbi Basin, northern Kenya
Fund: Research Grants
Date approved: 4/27/12
Julia Ostner
Institution: University of Gšttingen
Project Title: Social, ecological and reproductive stress in wild female Assamese macaques
Fund: Research Grants
Date approved: 4/27/12
Larissa Swedell
Institution: Queens College, CUNY
Project Title: The adaptive value of social bonds in a multilevel society
Fund: Research Grants
Date approved: 4/27/12