Zanna Clay
Institution: Emory University
Project Title: Vocal communication in wild bonobos: insights into language evolution
Fund: Research Grants
Date approved: 12/1/12
Brigitte Pakendorf
Institution: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Project Title: Investigating the prehistory of southern African hunter-gatherers with Y-chromosome sequences
Fund: Research Grants
Date approved: 4/27/12
Emma Nguvi Mbua
Institution: National Museums of Kenya
Project Title: Highland fauna from new Pliocene site near Nairobi, Kenya
Fund: Research Grants
Date approved: 4/27/12
Sarie Van Belle
Institution: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Project Title: Social and genetic factors mediating collective action in Alouatta pigra
Fund: Research Grants
Date approved: 4/27/12
Anne Russon
Institution: Glendon College, York University
Project Title: Ranging and diet in East Bornean orangutans
Fund: Research Grants
Date approved: 4/27/12