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Tag: DNA

Mother’s Milk Holds Key to Unlocking an Evolutionary Mystery From the Last Ice Age

As biologists explore the variation across the genomes of living people, they’ve found evidence of evolution at work. Particular variants of genes increase or decrease in populations through time. Sometimes this happens by chance. Other times these changes in frequency result from the gene’s helping or hindering individuals’ survival.

Science Speakeasy: Fake or Fact?

How can you tell what’s fake and what’s fact when it comes to science? Join New York University biological anthropologist Dr. Todd Disotell and Science Friday’s Undiscovered podcast co-host and producer Elah Feder for an evening separating the fantastical from the factual.

Science Speakeasy: Fake or Fact?

How can you tell what’s fake and what’s fact when it comes to science? Join New York University biological anthropologist Dr. Todd Disotell and Science Friday’s Undiscovered podcast co-host and producer Elah Feder for an evening separating the fantastical from the factual.

Grantee Spotlight: Davide Faggionato

Davide Faggionato Davide Faggionato was awarded a Leakey Foundation research grant during our spring 2015 cycle for his project entitled “Molecular and functional analysis of vision in three hominin species.” Hominin paleogenomics, the study of genomes retrieved from fossil hominin remains, has revolutionized the way we study human evolution.  For the first time, we can sample DNA from archaic humans

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If you have questions, please contact Sharal Camisa Smith sharal at 

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