Curious about The Leakey Foundation’s funded research projects and scholarship recipients? Search our grants database to learn more about the exciting human origins research, scholarships, and emergency grants made possible by our generous supporters.
Although we have been awarding grants since 1968, this searchable database only goes back to 2012, giving you more than a decade of information. You can search by program, recipient PhD status, keywords such as topics, species, and countries. You can also search for specific dates and time periods between 2012 and today!
The search results will show you:
- The recipient’s name
- Institutional affiliation at the time they were awarded their grant or scholarship
- Date and month the award was approved
- Grant or scholarship program
- Project title
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Emma Nguvi Mbua, National Museums of Kenya
Research Grants (April 2012)
Highland fauna from new Pliocene site near Nairobi, Kenya
Harold Dibble, University of Pennsylvania
Research Grants (April 2012)
New excavations at the site of La Ferrassie (France)
Irene Godoy, The Regents of the University of California
Research Grants (April 2012)
Mechanisms of Inbreeding Avoidance in Cebus capucinus
Isaac Schamberg, University of Pennsylvania
Research Grants (April 2012)
Vocal communication in wild bonobos (Democratic Republic of Congo)
J. Colette Berbesque, University of Roehampton
Research Grants (April 2012)
Bioarchaeology of a contemporary hunter-gather population--the Hadza
Jeremy Koster, The University of Cincinnati
Research Grants (April 2012)
Experimental research on fishing strategies among indigenous Nicaraguan forager-farmers
John Hoffecker, Illinois State Museum Society
Research Grants (April 2012)
New research at the early Upper Paleolithic site Mira, Ukraine
John Z – Fleagle, The Research Foundation for SUNY
Research Grants (April 2012)
Human evolution in the Kibish formation, southern Ethiopia
Joseph Ferraro, Baylor University
Research Grants (April 2012)
Paleoanthropological research at Marsabit Road, Chalbi Basin, northern Kenya
Julia Ostner, University of Gšttingen
Research Grants (April 2012)
Social, ecological and reproductive stress in wild female Assamese macaques