Mercy Akinyi
Institution: Duke University
Project Title: 1st Year Baldwin Support
Fund: Baldwin Fellowship
Date approved: 4/27/12
Stanislaus Mulu Kivai
Institution: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Project Title: 1st Year Baldwin Fellowship
Fund: Baldwin Fellowship
Date approved: 4/27/12
Agness Gidna
Institution: University Complutense de Madrid
Project Title: 2nd Year Baldwin Support
Fund: Baldwin Fellowship
Date approved: 4/27/12
Isaac Schamberg
Institution: University of Pennsylvania
Project Title: Vocal communication in wild bonobos (Democratic Republic of Congo)
Fund: Research Grants
Date approved: 4/27/12
Irene Godoy
Institution: The Regents of the University of California
Project Title: Mechanisms of Inbreeding Avoidance in Cebus capucinus
Fund: Research Grants
Date approved: 4/27/12