Field Notes: My Time with Titis
What is it like to study titi monkeys in the Amazon Rainforest? Leakey Foundation grantee David Wood says the worst part is the sweat bees.
I was part of the team that found the Homo naledi child’s skull: how we did it
An international team of researchers, led by Professor Lee Berger, a palaeoanthropologist from South Africa’s University of the Witwatersrand, has revealed the first partial skull of a Homo naledi child from the Rising Star cave.
How early humans used fire to permanently change the Stone Age landscape
An interdisciplinary group of researchers have shown how early humans used fire to shape the environments to suit their needs. In doing so, they transformed the landscape around them in ways still visible today.
Archaeology in West Africa gives new insights into human history
New Leakey Foundation-supported research opens a new window into the prehistory of West Africa, showing a rich Middle Stone Age past.
From the Field: Harmonie Klein, Gabon
Harmonie Klein studies chimpanzees in the Loango National Park in Gabon. This park is a mosaic of different habitat types ranging from coastal lagoons and mangrove swamps, to forests and open savannah.