Human evolution books: top picks from scientists
Looking for your next great read about evolution, behavior, or biology? Check out this list of human evolution book recommendations from The Leakey Foundation's scientific advisors and trustees.
Origin Stories: Discovering Us
In the latest episode of Origin Stories, we talk with Evan Hadingham, senior science editor for the PBS program NOVA. His new book, Discovering Us: 50 Great Discoveries in Human Origins, highlights the thrilling fossil finds, groundbreaking primate behavior observations, and important scientific work of Leakey Foundation researchers.
Happy Birthday Charles Darwin!
When I was young and first learned about Charles Darwin and On the Origin of Species, I was immediately enamored with him and his story.
Book Shelf: The Strange Case of the Rickety Cossack
It’s a demanding story of old bones, their finders and keepers, their interpreters slugging it out over taxonomy and ultimate meaning.