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Author: H. Gregory

Behind the Science: C3 or C4, Which One Are You?

by H. Gregory This is the first in a series of articles written for those of you who might appreciate a little extra background information on the science behind some of the projects we share with you. Enjoy! In this year’s Spring/Summer AnthroQuest we describe how Getty Grant recipient Thure Cerling is using stable isotope analysis of tooth enamel from

Grantee Spotlight: Lauren Gonzales

Lauren Gonzales is a PhD candidate from Duke University.  She was awarded a Leakey Foundation research grant in the fall of 2013 for her project entitled “Intraspecific variation in semicircular canal morphology in platyrrhine monkeys.” Lauren Gonzales Understanding the functional relationship between locomotion and the morphology of the semicircular canals is an important adjunct for the reconstruction of locomotor adaptations

Salvaging fossil primates from an underwater cave

Alfred L. Rosenberger In August 2009 divers of the AD Exploration Foundation discovered a well preserved skull, limb bones, ribs and vertebrae of a small extinct monkey (Antillothrix bernensis) submerged in an underwater freshwater cave in the Dominican Republic. A multi-agency team solicited the collaboration of Dr. A.L. Rosenberger of Brooklyn College to recover these remains in October 2009. In

Grantee Spotlight: Elizabeth Moffett

We are pleased to introduce Elizabeth Moffett, PhD candidate from University of Missouri, who was awarded a Leakey Foundation research grant in December 2014 for her project entitled “Birth and its effects on anthropoid pelvic shape and integration.” Elizabeth Moffett Birth selection is thought to be one of the most important pressures shaping the primate pelvis. Yet, it remains unclear

Dominance, energetics and stress in female capuchins in Costa Rica

Mackenzie Bergstrom For her PhD dissertation, Mackenzie Bergstrom of the University of Calgary studied 25 adult female capuchins living in three habituated social groups in a tropical dry forest in Sector Santa Rosa (SSR) of the Área de Conservaciόn Guanacaste (ACG) in northwest Costa Rica. To better understand how ecological and social variables affect the physical condition of these New

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If you have questions, please contact Sharal Camisa Smith sharal at 

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