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Month: April 2015

Behind the Science: C3 or C4, Which One Are You?

by H. Gregory This is the first in a series of articles written for those of you who might appreciate a little extra background information on the science behind some of the projects we share with you. Enjoy! In this year’s Spring/Summer AnthroQuest we describe how Getty Grant recipient Thure Cerling is using stable isotope analysis of tooth enamel from

Human Ecological Dominance

Rob Blumenschine’s Leakey Speaker Series talk, “Olduvai Gorge and the Origin of Human Ecological Dominance,” is coming up on April 22, 2015 at the California Academy of Sciences. Rob will discuss how humans have become one of the most adaptable and ecologically dominant species through intelligence and technology. What makes Rob so qualified to discuss this topic? Rob has worked

Introducing Origin Stories: The Leakey Foundation Podcast

Origin Stories is our new podcast about what it means to be human and the science behind what we know about ourselves. We'll have interviews and stories from scientists about their research on a vast and fascinating range of topics. We'll learn about the biology and the millions of years of evolution that shape the way we look and act today.

I [name], of [city, state ZIP], bequeath the sum of $[ ] or [ ] percent of my estate to L.S.B. Leakey Foundation for Research Related to Man’s Origins, Behavior & Survival, (dba The Leakey Foundation), a nonprofit organization with a business address of 1003B O’Reilly Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94129 and a tax identification number 95-2536475 for its unrestricted use and purpose.

If you have questions, please contact Sharal Camisa Smith sharal at 

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