Professor Cristian Capelli
Institution: Universita degli Studi di Parma
Project Title: The evolutionary history of Theropithecus gelada: Population structure, gene-flow and climatic changes
Fund: Research Grants
Date approved: 5/4/24
Professor Sarah Wurz
Institution: University of the Witwatersrand
Project Title: New frontiers in early modern human origins research at Klasies River Main site
Fund: Research Grants
Date approved: 5/4/24
William Daniel Snyder
Institution: University of Tuebingen
Project Title: Investigating hominin cultural evolution using inferences from na•ve primate manipulation and use of stone tools
Fund: Research Grants
Date approved: 5/4/24
Daniel Garc’a-Mart’nez
Institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Project Title: Paleoanthropological investigation at Ruidera-Los Villares: Deciphering Middle Pleistocene enigma in Western Europe
Fund: Research Grants
Date approved: 5/4/24
Jayson Peter Gill
Institution: University of Connecticut
Project Title: Pleistocene behavioral landscapes of Northern Armenia
Fund: Research Grants
Date approved: 5/4/24