Evolution Exchange
Why Care About Hair?
Join evolutionary biologists Tina Lasisi and Liz Tapanes to learn why our hair is the way it is.
Where’s the love? The secrets of chimpanzee relationships
Are humans the only animals that experience love? Primatologist Rachna Reddy and psychologist Jan Engelmann discuss insights from chimpanzee and bonobo relationships.
Survival of the Friendliest
What if the secret to “survival of the fittest” isn't strength, smarts, or power but rather the ability to connect and cooperate? Join evolutionary anthropologist and bestselling author Dr. Brian Hare and discover how cooperation and sociability have shaped the success of species like dogs, bonobos, and especially us humans.
Discussion Group: Evolution and Family
Are you fascinated with human origins and interested in meeting others who share your curiosity? Join the Evolution Exchange on February 27 for a lively virtual discussion group exploring the evolution of childhood and the human family.