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Author: H. Gregory

Grantee Spotlight: Michael Granatosky

Michael Granatosky, PhD candidate from Duke University, was awarded a Leakey Foundation research grant in our most recent granting cycle for his project entitled “Gait mechanics of inverted walking: Implications for evolution of suspensory behavior.” Michael Granatosky at the Duke Lemur Center Specialized arm-swinging locomotion has arisen independently numerous times during the evolution of primates and yet has never appeared

Orangutan ranging in Kutai National Park

Anne E. Russon York Univesity Anne E. Russon In spring 2012 The Leakey Foundation awarded Anne E. Russon a grant for her long-term study of behavior in east Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus morio) at the Bendili study area (Kutai National Park). This project focused specifically on orangutan ranging, feeding ecology and spatial cognition. Researchers have studied orangutans in the Bendili

Grantee Spotlight: Alia Gurtov

Over the next few months we will be introducing you to Leakey Foundation grantees from our Fall 2014 granting cycle. Our first featured grantee is Alia Gurtov, PhD candidate from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Her project is entitled “Dental microwear analysis of Early Pleistocene hominin foraging seasonality.”  Alia Gurtov in Rising Star Cave For our Early Stone Age predecessors

Presenting Our Fall 2014 Leakey Foundation Grantees!

On December 6th The Leakey Foundation’s Board of Trustees convened for our Fall 2014 Granting Session. The Board unanimously approved the twenty-five research grants our Scientific Executive Committee presented as recommended for funding. Here are a few numbers from our Fall 2014 Granting Cycle: There were 75 research grant applications 40% were categorized as behavioral, 60% were paleoanthropology Over 400

Grantee Spotlight: Elizabeth Tinsley Johnson

May 2014 (dry season): Geladas come off the cliffs, where they sleep at night, and regroup at the top. They often take an hour or so to socialize and rest before heading off to forage. Pictured (left to right): graduate student Morgan Gustison; field assistant Esheti; field manager Megan Gomery. Photo by E. Tinsley Johnson. In the spring of 2013

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If you have questions, please contact Sharal Camisa Smith sharal at 

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