For Leakey Foundation Grant Recipients
Awardees are expected to comport themselves ethically, honestly, and respectfully in furtherance of The Leakey Foundation’s mission. You must fully comply with all Leakey Foundation policies (see “Community Standards of Ethical Values and Conduct” below). You must also comply with the rules, policies, and directives of your institution, the ethical codes of the professional organizations and societies to which you belong (e.g. the American Association of Physical Anthropologists), and applicable law. You must remain in good standing with your institution at all times. The Leakey Foundation does not tolerate sexual or other harassment or discrimination by awardees at facilities, field sites, conferences or workshops where Leakey Foundation funded research is conducted or presented.
Research shall be conducted with intellectual integrity, honesty, accuracy, and objectivity in compliance with applicable institutional research policies and protocols and with appropriate regard for human and animal subjects. Awardees shall not fabricate data or results; change or knowingly omit data or results to misrepresent findings in the research record; or intentionally misappropriate the ideas, writings, research or findings of others. Awardees are expected to comply with specific grant terms and conditions and to avoid conflicts between their private interests and The Leakey Foundation’s mission.
Please note that this award is conditioned upon compliance with the above requirements and responsibilities. The Leakey Foundation reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to withhold, suspend, or terminate funding in the event of noncompliance with these terms or any action which brings the foundation’s reputation into disrepute.
Community Standards of Ethical Values and Conduct
We expect all members of The Leakey Foundation community, including employees, trustees, grantees, advisors, donors, volunteers, and other affiliates, to conduct themselves ethically, with honesty and integrity, in all Leakey Foundation activities and to abide by applicable Leakey Foundation policies and law. Community members shall avoid any action which brings the Foundation’s reputation into disrepute. These standards apply at all Leakey Foundation functions, activities, worksites, and facilities, and at field sites, conferences, or workshops where Leakey Foundation funded research is conducted or presented.
Members of our community shall be treated, and shall treat others, with respect and dignity. The Leakey Foundation does not tolerate discrimination on the basis of sex, gender (including gender identity and expression), race, religious creed, color, national origin or ancestry, genetic information, physical or mental disability, marital status (including registered domestic partnership status), age, sexual orientation, or any other status protected by state or federal law. The Leakey Foundation does not tolerate harassment, including unwelcome sexual or gender-based conduct of any nature. This includes inappropriate action (e.g., touching and kissing), language (e.g., sexual requests, comments, jokes, and slurs), and non-verbal communication (e.g., posters, cartoons, or drawings of a sexual nature), which might give offense, especially when sexual in nature. Sexual harassment is not limited to conduct motivated by sexual attraction or desire, and may also take the form of non-sexual, offensive conduct that is directed at an individual because of his or her gender.
We expect our members to exercise sound judgement in serving The Leakey Foundation in furtherance of its mission and to avoid conflicts between their private interests and those of The Leakey Foundation. Our resources may only be used for Leakey Foundation activities and not for private gain or personal purposes (except for reasonable incidental personal use, e.g., telephone, laptop.) The Leakey Foundation is committed to creating a safe and drug free workplace, and smoking is prohibited on Leakey Foundation premises and at our events. Community members shall respect each other’s privacy and comply with Leakey Foundation confidentiality policies.
Leakey Foundation sponsored research shall be conducted ethically, honestly, and respectfully, in compliance with specific grant terms and conditions, with applicable laws and policies, and with appropriate regard for human and animal research subjects. Our researchers must fully comply with the research rules, policies and directives of their institution regarding the conduct and integrity of research and must remain in good standing with their institution at all times. They must also comply with the ethical codes of the professional organizations and societies to which they belong (e.g., the American Association of Physical Anthropologists).
Members of The Leakey Foundation community are encouraged to report to the Executive Director or President of the Board of Trustees violations of these, or other Leakey Foundation policies, or of applicable law. Such reports shall be investigated as appropriate. Appropriate and reasonable corrective or remedial action will be taken. Persons making such reports – either internally or to government agencies – will be protected from retaliation in accordance with The Leakey Foundation Whistleblower Policy and law.
Please use the contact form below if you have questions or if you have a matter you would like to bring to our attention.