Celebrating Louis S.B. Leakey
Louis Leakey was born on this day in 1903. He was a charismatic scientist who devoted his life to uncovering our shared past and telling our shared story.
The Discovery of “Zinj”
On July 17, 1959, Mary Leakey left her camp and went out to search the layers of sediment in Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, as she and her husband Louis Leakey had done for almost 30 years. Their primary goal was to find fossils of our human relatives (hominins), and as hot, dusty, backbreaking, painstakingly slow and what many friends and fellow scientists might call impossible as that goal seemed, they were determined to reach it.
Louis Leakey’s Legacy
Louis S.B. Leakey was born on this day in 1903. To celebrate him and his legacy, we invite you to learn a little more about the jovial man who devoted his life to uncovering our shared past.
Happy Birthday Charles Darwin!
When I was young and first learned about Charles Darwin and On the Origin of Species, I was immediately enamored with him and his story.
Google Celebrates Mary Leakey with a Doodle
In honor of the 100th anniversary of Mary Leakey’s birthday, Google has made a lovely illustration of her in the field, with her beloved Dalmatians. You can read about the creation of the doodle here. We love that her dogs made the cut! What do you think?
Mary Leakey Google Doodle