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Reporting for Your Grant

On this page, you will find information on the reporting requirements for your Leakey Foundation grant and instructions for requesting a deadline extension. Additionally, you will learn how to notify The Leakey Foundation about a change in your institution or budget. And finally, you can download our logos to acknowledge the foundation’s support in your posters and presentations.

To comply with our requirements, you must submit two reports as well as photographs from your project.

You must send your reports and photos to The Leakey Foundation within 90 days of completing your research grant:

  • Final Report: required when your grant research is complete
  • Financial Report: required when your grant research is complete
  • Photos: required when your research is complete or at any time during your grant.

Click here if you need to request a deadline extension or inform The Leakey Foundation Grants Department about a change of institution or budget.

Leakey Foundation grantee Madeleine Kelly holds a fossil while participating in the Koobi Fora Field School.

Final Report

Your final report is due within 90 days of completing your research grant. Your contract letter includes the date on which we expect your final report.

You must include the following in your final report:

  • Brief summary (~100-200 words) of results vs. hypotheses written for a moderately technical audience
  • Brief summary (~100 words) of publication or plans for publication (if any)
  • Detailed description of results, including any figures or tables
  • Brief summary of the current status of the data-sharing plan you submitted with your application 
  • Applicant self-evaluation – Please provide a brief paragraph answering the following questions:
    • What were your research goals?
    • Did you achieve these goals?
    • What was/were your hypothesis(es)?
    • Was/were your hypothesis(es) supported?

How to submit your final report

Email your final report as a PDF file to

Financial Report

As with the final report, financial reports are due within 90 days of completing your research grant. We require an official accounting statement from your university stating the final expenditure of funds for your project.

  • You do not need to itemize your financial report in accordance with your budget.
  • If your remaining balance is above $50, you should send it in the form of a check payable to The Leakey Foundation (see address below).
  • Your financial report does not need to be submitted in a specific format.

Email your financial report to

You may also send your financial report or check to:

The Leakey Foundation
1003B O’Reilly Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94129


Additionally, you are required to submit photos at the end of your grant. This helps The Leakey Foundation communicate your science. It also helps us share your work with our donors.

  • Email your photos to
  • Please submit at least two high-resolution photos.
  • Take your photos at your research site if possible.
  • Photos should clearly picture the principal investigator, co-investigators, and research subjects or activities if possible.
  • When submitting your photos, include a caption that names each individual pictured and explains where you are and what is happening in the photos. If we should credit someone as the photographer, please include their name.
  • We encourage you to send short videos of your fieldwork if possible.

We may use your photos in Leakey Foundation publications, social media, or online at any time in the future.

Requesting a Deadline Extension

If you need an extension to the start or end dates of your grant, you must submit a written request. Your extension request must be made by you or the financial contact at your institution.

Your extension request must state the reason for the extension, the revised dates for your project, and the expected date of completion for your grant.

Please email us at to request an extension.

Requesting a Change of Institution

If you need to change your institutional affiliation, we ask that you formally notify our office of your change in institution. We cannot distribute funds to your new institution until you follow the procedure below:

Send an email to with:

  • Your name
  • Your grant title
  • The contact information of the Office of Sponsored Research (or similar body) at the new institution.

When you email your request, please copy (cc) the Office of Sponsored Research at both your old and new institution.

Important Notes

Your old institution must provide The Leakey Foundation with an accounting of all money spent on your project to date.

We ask that your old institution send the new institution a check for the remainder of the award. Failing that, your old institution can write the check to The Leakey Foundation, and we will send the remainder of your funds to the new institution. See below for our mailing address.

When you send the financial report at the end of your project, you must include a final account of how you spent the remainder of the funds distributed to your new institution.

Mailing Address

The Leakey Foundation
1003B O’Reilly Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94129

Requesting a Budget Modification

From time to time, our grant recipients need to modify their budgets after their grant funds have been disbursed. Please inform us if you receive overlapping funding from other sources, or if you need to change the costs for certain items due to project delays or difficulties.

We also request that you notify us of any major changes (such as adding or deleting line items or changing a line item by more than $1,000) to your original proposal budget.

To request a change to your grant budget, simply edit the Excel budget file you originally submitted with your grant application. Attach the new budget to an email and send it to Be sure to include a note explaining your changes and why you are requesting them. Most budget modification requests are approved.

If you need a copy of the original budget submitted with your grant application, we’ll be happy to provide one. Simply email us and we will send you a copy as soon as we can.

Acknowledging The Leakey Foundation

The Leakey Foundation is proud to support your research. When you share your Leakey Foundation-supported work in presentations or posters, please include our logo to acknowledge our support.

Click here to download our color logo with a transparent background.

Click here to download our logo in black with a transparent background.

You may also use our logo on your lab, project, or personal research website. If you use the logo online, please link back to!

I [name], of [city, state ZIP], bequeath the sum of $[ ] or [ ] percent of my estate to L.S.B. Leakey Foundation for Research Related to Man’s Origins, Behavior & Survival, (dba The Leakey Foundation), a nonprofit organization with a business address of 1003B O’Reilly Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94129 and a tax identification number 95-2536475 for its unrestricted use and purpose.

If you have questions, please contact Sharal Camisa Smith sharal at 

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